Thursday, February 28, 2013

Jumping In

I have clearly not been consistent with this blog process. It is a new thing for me; and while I love to write-I wonder if anyone actually cares about what I have to say.
That concern not withstanding, I am plunging into a more steady series of blogs in which I will endeavor to educate, entertain, or enlighten.
It has been an exciting few weeks for us here at our happy; if astonishingly cozy, home, (by 'cozy' I mean 'cramped'.) :)
Joe and I are embarking on a new business making spa and home items to sell at a local venue, Victory Highway Galleria of Shops. The grand opening is March 16th-as it turns out that is a LOT closer than it was 2 weeks ago!
I have been working on spa items and beta testing them with friends (alpha tests almost always being me)
I am happy to report that so far he products are all winner!
My husband is going to have to handle the business end of things because left to my own devices we would go broke because I really cannot say no easily to people; and if we are going to make any profit it has to be because I wasn't allowed to keep giving stuff away lol.
Today we are heading out after Joe gets out of work to see the space we will be renting and meeting Val, the women with whom we will be doing business. There is still so much to do! I have to paint our sign and we have to get business cards around and finish signage and labels and...and...there is a lot.
but it will all come together and I look forward to seeing what happens on March 16th...and you should come out if you are in the area. Super easy to find; Exit 43 off of I86 W.
Now back to work!

Jennie says: Let me know what kind of aromas you enjoy in spa products. We are going for simple, light and 6 or less ingredients per product...